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Making makers

kiboom has the possibility to create your own maker functions, this is a powerful feature that can save you a lot of time.

For create a maker, we recommend extend the base maker, makeObject, so we use the extendMaker() function.

extendMaker(baseMaker, defaultOpt, componentsApply) | In API

  • baseMaker: The base maker to extend.
  • defaultOpt: The default options for the new maker. You must use makeOptions
  • componentsApply: The components to apply in the new maker.
// We create some options with defaults
const makeEnemyOpt = makeOptions(() => ({
speed: 100,
hp: 100,
// We create the new maker
const makeEnemy = extendMaker(makeObject, makeEnemyOpt, (opt) => [
// here our components list
move(LEFT, opt.speed),
import { makeEnemy } from "./objects/enemy.js";
// Now we can use our new maker
hp: 200, // We can override our maker options
speed: 200, // We can override our maker options
pos: vec2(100, 100), // We can modify the base options of makeObject
anchor: "topleft", // We can modify the base options of makeObject

In the example above, we create a new maker called makeEnemy, this maker extends the makeObject maker, and adds the hp and move components, and also a speed and hp options.

The idea is to create a maker that is easy to use and that can be reused in different parts of the game. Also you should extend the most useful maker for you, it can be makeObject, makeSprite, makeText, etc.